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Prophet Muhammad And The Four Great Caliphs-1694

: 9799759180149
429.00 TL
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The Book About Our Prophet Muhammad Mustafa and the Four Caliphs

Skin Condition Hardcover Number of Pages 639
Abu Said al-Khudri radiyallahu anh: "Hazrat. The Prophet sallallahu' alayhi wa sallam:

"Do not swear at my companions / do not say bad words / do not use language.

If one of you gave alms as much gold as Mount Uhud, he would not be able to access a handful of alms that they gave, nor half of it,"he said.

Anas b. Malik radiyallahu anh from Hazrat. The Prophet sallallahu'alayhi wa sallam went up to Mount Uhud with Abu Bakr, Omar and Uthman, and then the mountain shook them, so the Messenger of Allah sallallahu'alayhi wa sallam:

"O Uhud, stand still! You should know that there is a Prophet, a Siddiq and two martyrs on it,"he said.

Hz. MUHAMMAD (p a V.)
Indeed, all praise is to Allah alone. We praise Him, forgive Him, and ask for His forgiveness. We seek refuge with Allah from the evil of our souls and the Evil of our deeds. No one can mislead those whom Allah has guided. And whomever He sends astray, no one can guide him to the right path. I bear witness that there is no god but Allah. He is the One and only, He has no partner. I-what a witness I am, Hazrat. Muhammad (s.a.v.) Is the servant and Messenger of Allah.

"O you who believe! Do as it is necessary to fear Allah, and die only as Muslims." (Al-Imran; 3/103)

"O people! Protect you from your Lord, who created you from a single soul and created its mate from it, and derived many men and women from both of them. And fear Allah, for whom you ask each other, and cut off the ties of kinship. Indeed, Allah is a watcher over you." (an-April; 4/1),

"O you who believe! Have fear of Allah and speak a straight word. He will correct your deeds in your favor and forgive your sins. Whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger will be saved with a great victory." (al-Ahzab; 33/70-71)

After that, undoubtedly, the most beautiful of words is the word of Allah, and the best of ways is the Prophet. Muhammad (s.a.v.) is the way of the. The worst of the things are the ones that are removed later. Everything that is extracted afterwards is bid'ah and every bid'ah is a perversion. And every error will be in the fire.

Undoubtedly, the Messenger of Allah (p.a.v.), is a realized example of this religion. Every path that leads to Allah and paradise must be taken by the Messenger of Allah (p.a.v.) passes through the path of.

"There is the best example for you in the Messenger of Allah." (Ahzab 21)-
Hz. ABU BAKR AS SIDDIQ (r a.) (571-634)
Hz. Muhammad (s.a.s.), the first of the free men who believed after the beginning of the preaching of Islam; the first of the rashid caliphs, the ashara-i mubeshshera. The great companions, known by the nicknames Camiu'l Koran, as-Siddiq, al-Atik.

Because of the fact that he was not with the Messenger of Allah during the migration in the Noble Qur'an, "...one of the two people found in the cave..." (At-Tawba, 9/40) he is mentioned in the form of. His real name is Abdulkaba, and after Islam, the Messenger of Allah (p.a.v.) it is recorded that he gave him the name Abdullah. "Atik" means freed from the punishment; He is honest, faithful, confident and chaste, so he was called with the nickname "siddiq". He became famous with the name Abu Bakr, which means "father of the camel cub". The Prophet, who is from the tribe of the children of Taymo. The descendant of Abu Bakr is Murra b. He unites with the Messenger of Allah in Ka'b. His mother's name is Umm al-Khayr Selma, and his father's name is Abu Kuhafe Osman. His dog tag is Abdullah B. Osman b. Chief B. Amir... b. Murra... it is et-Taymid. Apart from his son Abdurrahman, who remained a polytheist until the battle of Badr, his whole family became Muslims. His father is Abu Kuhafe, Hazrat. He saw the caliphate of Abu Bakr and his death. Hz. The Prophet of Abu Bakr (p.a.s.), it is mentioned that he is one or three years old. Even before Islam, Hazrat, who was a respectable, honest, personable, "hanif" merchant who did not worship idols and did not keep idols in his house, was a prophet. Abu Bakr, the Prophet until his death. He never left the Prophet. He spent all his wealth and earnings for Islam and lived in a simple way himself.


The second Rashid Khalifa. In order to establish Islam on earth and make it dominant, the Messenger of Allah (p.a.v.)is one of the companions who are closest to him in the struggle for monotheism given by. Hz. Omar (r.a) He was born in Mecca thirteen years after the elephant incident. According to a rumor narrated from him, he was born four years after the Great Ficar war (ibnüi-Aşir, üstül-Gabe, Ka-hire 1970, iv,146). His father, Khattab b. He is influential and the Messenger of Allah in his generation Ka'b (p.a.v.) are combined with. He belongs to the Adiy clan of the Quraysh and his mother is Hantama, who is the daughter of Abu Jahl's brother or uncle (bk. a.g.e., 145).

Sources Hz. Omar (r.a)They do not say much about the life of a person before becoming a Muslim. However, it is known that he was a shepherd for the tribes belonging to his father in his childhood, and then he started trading. He was participating in the trade caravans going to the Syrian sides (H. Ibrahim Hashan, Tarihui-isiam, Egypt 1979, i, 210). He was among the ashraf of Mecca during the period of ignorance and the duty of the sifare (embassy) of the Mecca city state was in his hands. Dec. In the event of a war, Omar would be sent to the other side as an envoy and upon his return, he would act according to the information and opinions he gave. In addition, he took an active role in resolving disputes between tribes and the decisions he made were binding (Suyuti, Tarihul-Hulefa, Beirut 1986, 123; Üstül-Gabe, IV, 146). He also took an active role in resolving disputes between tribes and the decisions he made were binding (Suyuti, Tarihul-Hulefa, Beirut 1986, 123; Üstül-Gabe, IV, 146). Dec.

Hz. Omar had a Decapitated temperament and was among those who showed extreme reactions against Islam. Finally, he is Muhammad, who denies the religion of his grandfathers and insults the idols they worship, calling people to turn away from them (p.a.v.) had decided to kill the. He took action to kill the Prophet by Decking out his sword, but the way the incident developed led to his joining among the Muslims.

Hz. OSMAN B. AFF and Acirc;N (r.a)

Osman b. Affan b. Could have been-As b. Umayya b. Abdi's-shams b. AbcH Manaf al-Qurasi al-Umayyad; the third of the rashid caliphs. The Messenger of Allah in Abdi Manaf, who belongs to the family of Umayyad Children and whose progeny is the fifth ceddi (p.a.v.) are combined with.He was born in Mek-ke six years after the elephant incident. His mother, Erva binti Kureyz b. Rebia b. Habib b. Abdi is shamstir. And his grandmother is the Messenger of Allah (p.a.v.) is the daughter of Abdulmuttalib, the aunt of Abdulmuttalib. His dog tag says, "Abu Abdullah is. He was also called "Abu Amr" and "Abu Layla".

The Prophet (p.a.v.) when he was assigned with the risalet, Uthman (r.a) he was about thirty-four years old. He is among the Decrepit believers. Abu Bakr (r.a), He was making intense efforts in inviting those he trusted to Islam. As a result of his work, Abdurrahman b. Awf, Sa'd b. Abi Waqqas, Zubair b. Avvam, Talha b. Ubaidullah and Uthman b. They believed in forgiveness. Hz. Osman, the Prophet during the period of ignorance. He was an intimate friend of Abu Bakr, Hazrat. Uthman, his uncle Hakem b, who heard this when he believed. And Acirc;s imprisoned him by binding him tightly and said that if he did not return to his former religion, he would never be released. Hz. Osman (r.a) When he said that he would not return from his religion forever, his uncle, who saw his determination, released him. In advance of him, the Messenger of Allah (p.a.v.) he had married Rukayye, the daughter of.

Son of the Prophet's uncle, son-in-law, fourth caliph. His father is Abu Talib, his mother is Fatima bint Esed from Quraysh, and his grandfather is Abdulmuttalib. His nickname is Ebu'l Hasan and Abu Turab (father of the land), his nickname is Haydar; his title is emîru'l-mu'minin. It is also referred to as the 'Arslanf of Allah'.

Hz. Ali grew up with the Messenger of Allah. It is known that he accepted Islam at the age of ten. Hz. She was the first to accept Islam after Khadija. Hz. Prophet and Hz. Seeing Hatice while she was praying one day, Hz. When our Prophet told Ali about the evil of polytheism and the meaning of tawhid, Hz. Ali immediately became a Muslim. He was always with the Messenger of Allah during the Meccan period. He describes his breaking of the idols in the Kaaba as follows: "One day we went to the Kaaba with the Messenger of Allah. The Messenger of Allah wanted to climb on my shoulder. When I wanted to get up, he understood that I could not get up, he got off my shoulder, took me on his shoulder and stood up. If I wanted myself, the horizon was the horizon. I thought they would hold them. There was an idol on the Kaaba, I pushed it from right to left. The idol fell, it fell into pieces. I got off the shoulders of the Messenger of Allah. We both came back." (Ahmed b. Hanbal, Musnad, I, 384).

Prophet Muhammad and the Four Great Caliphs

Hz. Muhammad (pbuh), 5-190

Hz. Abu Bakr (r.a.), 191-300

Hz. Osman (r.a.) 437-522

Hz. Ali (r.a.), 523-640
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