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Qisas-i Enbiya and Tevârih-i Hulefa; History of Prophets and Caliphs (2 Volumes)

Product Code : T30715
: 4897654306200
1,190.00 TL
Book Features:
Number of Pages: 1181
Publication Date: 2018-11-08
Publication Language: Turkish
Number of Printings: 1st Edition
Cover: Cardboard
Paper: 2.Dough
Size: 17x24cm

Ahmed Cevdet Pasha, in addition to being a jurist, a giant and many other characteristics, also has a reputation as a historian. According to him, historiography is not just about conveying the important events of the past as such and such an event happened on this date. On the contrary, true historiography is the expression of events as they occurred, with strong reasoning.

Among the books he wrote about history, the 12-volume "Tarih-i Cevded" comes first. In this book, he describes the events of the Ottoman Empire between 1774 and 1825. Another book he wrote in this field is "Tezakir-i Cevded". It describes the political, social and moral aspects of the period. In his work titled "Ma'ruzat", which he also wrote about history, he prepared to present the historical and political events between 1839 and 1876 to Sultan Abdulhamid II.

One of the most important works written by Ahmed Cevdet Pasha is his book called "Kısas-ı Enbiya ve Tevarih-i Hulefa". He wrote this work towards the last years of his life. In the book, Hz. From Adam to Hz. From the stories of the prophets until Muhammad (pbuh), the emergence of the religion of Islam, the life of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), the Era of the Four Caliphs, the Umayyad caliphs, the Abbasid caliphs and other Turkish-Islamic states, and the period from the foundation of the Ottoman Empire to 1439. mentions.
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