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Riyâzü's Sâlihîn - Imam-i Nevevî

: 9789758596102
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Çelik Publishing House

Riyâzü's Sâlihîn - Imam-i Nevevî

  • ISBN: 9789758596102
  • Language: Turkish
  • Number of Pages: 1019
  • Skin: Hard Cover
  • Paper Type: Shamua
  • Size: 17x24 cm

We live in a depression. We agree that Islam is the best way to solve our problems. The most accurate way to understand Islam is through reading. To read, knowing that the first source that will show man the right way is the Quran and the second source is hadith. In our century when people are driven to the greatest disasters, it is only possible to get rid of all forms of ignorance by clinging to these main sources of Islamic Culture.

On this occasion, our Publishing House has surpassed the scientific circles that have gained widespread fame in the Islamic world due to the excellence of the assembly, the authenticity of the hadiths in it and the conformity of the hadiths in it, which is one of the most important of the hadith media, and has cost a wide mass of people; ZÜ'S S and Acirc; He is proud to present the work titled LIHÎN to you, our esteemed readers.


Praise be to Allah (C.C), the Lord of the Worlds, and salute the Almighty.

Our publishing house, which has gained the attention and appreciation of its readers by publishing scientific and intellectual works since its establishment, is proud to add another valuable work to the service ring with the power it receives from you Muslim readers.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our readers.

We live in a depression. We agree that Islam is the right way to solve our problems, and the way to understand Islam in the most accurate way is through reading.

To read; To read the book of Allah (C.C), to read the hadiths of Rasûlu, to reach guidance, to get rid of ignorance. To read, knowing that the first source that will show man the right way is the Quran and the second source is hadith.

In our century when people are plunged into the greatest disasters, it is only possible to get rid of all forms of ignorance by clinging to these main sources of Islamic Culture. That's why we have to read and work with what we've learned.

Our publishing house has gained widespread fame in the Islamic world due to the excellence of the hadiths, the authenticity of the hadiths in it and the conformity of its volume, and has exceeded the scientific circles and cost a wide mass of people; ZÜ'S- SALİHIN is proud to present the work to you, our esteemed readers.

The author of the work is Imam NEVEVÎ, one of the distinguished figures of the Islamic World. SalİH FLYING Bey, one of the most valuable scholars of the present day, has translated the work into Turkish. We would like to thank Mr. Salih Flying and wish him success in his other work.

Work is from us, guidance is from Allah.

All truths belong to Islam. We seek refuge in God, who has abundant forgiveness and forgiveness for our mistakes.


Hamd belongs to the Lord of the worlds, to our Prophet, to His people, and to his companions.

The second source of Islam after the Quran is Sunnah. As a word and laquo; circumcision, which means as a scientific term and laquo; The way, practice, tradition and raquo of our Prophet (p.a.s.); and the words (hadiths) of our Prophet are divided into three parts, such as the silence (quiet affirmation of these words and movements) in the face of the actions of our Prophet and some of the words and movements of the Sahabians.

Although the term Hadith mostly refers to the words of our Prophet (S.A.S.), the number of hadiths that convey his silent approval in the face of the behaviors of our Prophet and his words and behaviors of the companions is not small.

Each full hadith consists of two parts: the first part contains the names of those who have heard the text of the hadith from our Prophet and transplanted it to each other, this section and laquo; Sened and raquo; this part determines the degree of solidity and reliability of the hadith. The second part is the text, that is, the original content of the hadith.

Hadiths; their texts are divided into two parts: the Kutsî Hadith and the Nabevî Hadith in terms of their contents. The Kutsî Hadith is the hadith whose word belongs to our Prophet (p.a.s.) and the meaning belongs to The Great Allah (c.c.). and laquo; God willing... and raquo; it begins. The Nebevî Hadith is called the hadith, which means our Prophet (p.a.s.), which is the second part that comes to mind when it comes to hadiths and constitutes the vast majority of hadiths.

Hadiths are divided into many parts in terms of the nature of the promissory note sections. The measurements considered in these classifications constitute the subject of the science of U'sul-i Hadith. Explaining the dimensions of these classifications and the hadith parts that occur according to these measures exceeds both the limits of a foreword and the field of interest of the normal reader. In that regard, we would like to briefly touch on two important forms of classification without going into detail in this regard.

Hadiths are divided into three main parts in terms of the completeness of the bond chain and the availability of the ravis in the bond chain:

1) Sahih (solid): Raviler, which constitutes the bond chain full and sened chain, by hadith scholars and laquo; they are the hadiths of those who are considered to be persons.

1- Hasen (beautiful): The sened chain is missing or the ravis and laquo that make up the sened chain; are the hadiths that cannot be allied.

2- One or more of the ravis in the Weak Sened chain are considered suspicious hadiths.

In addition, in terms of the variety of rumored ways, hadiths are divided into three:

1- Mutevâtir: It is called hadiths, which are transported by many ravis in separate chains.

2- Famous: It is called hadiths transplanted by at least three various ravi chains.

3- Ahad: It is called hadiths that are transplanted only by a single ravi chain.

Meanwhile, another term that everyone who is more or less interested in the hadith often hears, and laquo; Mcvzû and raquo; the term is that a saying that is claimed to be hadith is not actually hadith, in other words, that it does not belong to our Prophet (S.A.S.), and laquo; means that it is.

In the time of our Prophet and in the first years after his death, it is seen that hadiths are generally avoided because of the concern that they are confused with the text fragments of the Quran. However, there is no prohibition expressed by our Prophet in this regard. On the contrary, we know that Abdullah (R. Anhuma), son of Amr Ibn'l As, wrote some of the sermons of our Prophet, and when he reported this situation to Him, he disapproved of his actions, and even that about fifty companions had written hadiths. However, it is certain that the diligence of writing shown in the Quranic verses is not shown in hadiths, and is mostly based on memory in this field. The hadiths, which have been meticulously transferred from memory for a long time, began to be collected in books in the early second century of Hijri. Among the books of this nature, six of them gained widespread fame, especially among Islamic scholars. These books, whose names immediately come to mind when it comes to hadith and are called Kütüb-i Sitte (six books), are as follows:

a) Bukhari: Compiled by Mohammed b. Ismail Vapor, there are seven thousand two hundred and seventy-five hadiths in it.

b) Muslim: Compiled by Abu'l-Hussein Muslim Nishaburi.

c) Tirmizî: Compiled by Muhammad b. Jesus.

d) Abu Dâvud: Abu Dâvud, Suleiman b. Compiled by Sicistanî.

e) Nesâî: Compiled by Abu Abdurrahman Ahmed b. Shuayb Nesâî.

f) Ibn Mâce: Abu Abdullah b. Compiled by Mace.

With Steam, the first two of these six books, Muslims are of particular importance in this field and briefly and laquo; Sahihayn and raquo; They are referred to as the two sources of hadith.

In addition to the books we counted, there are also several other important hadith books that are sourced, as well as many hadith media that were later compiled based on the source books.

One of the most important of these hadiths gained widespread fame in the Islamic world due to the perfection of its assembly, the authenticity of the hadiths in it and the conformity of its volume, and it exceeded the scientific neighborhoods and cost large masses of people. This book is the mecmua of Riyâzü's-Sâlihîn, which you have in your hand.

The compiler of riyâzü's-Salihîn is Abu Zekeriyyâ Muhyiddîn Yahyâ b. Şeref Nevevî, who was born in Neva, Damascus in 631 and also owns many other works related to the hadith.

The work was translated from a copy of Riyazü's-Sâlihîn, which was reviewed and prepared for publication by Ridvan Mohammed Ridvan and published in Beirut in 1973.

Note: The figures of the kudsî hadiths are enclosed in black squares.

Salih Flying September, 1979 Fatih


3- Infringement, confidential - all kinds of open, work, words and behavior to start with intent 12

4- Repentance 21

5- Patience k 42

6- Straight k 62

7- Murâkab e 66

8- Takv â 73

9- Close and Trust 76

10- Direction (Accuracy) 84

11- To think about the greatness of beings, the mortality of the world, the terrible state of the apocalypse, all the works of the world and the hereafter, to prevent the desires of the self and to guide them to the right path by nurturing them 86

12- To run for good deeds and to encourage those who wish to do good 87

13- Jihadi d 92

14- Encouraging more charitable work towards the end of life 101

15- Multiplicity of no ways 105

16- Moderation in worship 116

17- Continuing deeds 126

18- To continue circumcision and circumcision 128

19- The necessity of submission to god's judgment, the words of the person who invites this path and forbids evil by ordering goodness 135

20- Bid'at and banning things that were later eliminated 138

21- Breakthroughs for better or worse 140

22- Guiding goodness, calling for guidance and perversion 142

23- Helping in goodness and pieance 145

24- Nasiha t 146

25- Ordering good and avoiding evil 148

26- The severity of the punishment of those who do not match their word and behavior, despite ordering good and preventing evil 157

27- To give the trust to the people 158

28- Unfairness is haram, returning the forcibly taken to the owners .... 165

29- Respecting the untouchable rights of Muslims, explaining their rights to them, being compassionate and compassionate 175

30- Covering up the shame of Muslims and avoiding spreading them unless absolutely necessary 182

31- Meeting the needs of Muslims 184

Şefaa t 186

31 - Mediation 187

32- The virtue of the needy, the poor and the Muslims in their own way 190

33- Caring, helping and caring for orphans, girls, those who are needy, poor and desperate 196

34- Advising women to behave well 202

35- Rights over husband's wife 206

36- Supporting family members 209

37- Spending from the good and the loved 213

38- Ordering good and banning evil to the household and others under his command 214

39- Neighbor's right and related advice 216

40- Taking care of the parents and relatives 220

41- 233 where it is forbidden to defy the parents and cut the kinship ties

42- The virtue of doing good to the friends and relatives of the Parents, those worthy of the grace and other treats 236

43- To be kind to the Prophet Ehl-i Beyt and their virtue 239

44- Counting scholars, elders and virtue holders; see them ahead of others, keep their levels superior to 242

45- Visiting charity owners, sitting down and chatting with them, loving them, running to their visits, asking for their prayers and visiting blessed places 248

46- Loving and promoting for Allah 256

47- Signs of great God's love of his servant, morality of these omens and trying to win them 262

48- Avoiding upsetting the good, the needy and the poor 265

49- To judge people according to the weakness, to refer their internal state to Allah 266

50- Fearing God 270

51- Hope for God's mercy 279

52- The virtue of hopeing God 299

53- Combining fear and hope 301

54- The virtue of crying with fear of God and longing for God 303

55- Virtue of not being caught in the world, conviction and poverty 308

56- The virtue of hunger and boredom; eat less food and drink, settle for clothing and avoid ambitions 323

57- Conviction, satiation, avoiding waste, giving alms, condemning begging without necessity 344

58- Accepting help unintentionally and without looking at 352

59- Trusting in God; spend on goodness, generosity and charitable causes 353

60- Eating from the labor of your hand, encouraging not to ask for anything from others 361

61- Avoiding stinginess and hands-on 363

62- Others to keep themselves above themselves and help 364

63- Competing in the afterlife and replicating good deeds 368

64- To earn halal ways and spend in good deeds and be thankful 369

65- To remember death and to master one's self 371

66- Kabir visit and visitor's words 377

67- Wanting to die because of the hardship encountered, wanting to die out of fear of encountering persecution about religion

379 permissible

68- Avoiding suspicious things, avoiding sin 380

69- 384, when it is permissive to step aside in times of mischief or when fear of persecution in religion

70- The virtue of ordering goodness, avoiding evil, avoiding harming others, patient with hardships, gathering with people, attending Fridays, meetings and charities, visiting the sick, caring for the needy, showing the right way to the ignorant 386

71- Being humble and mild-mannered towards the believers 387

72- 391, where arrogance and self-appreciation are forbidden

73- Good morals 396

74- Hilm, composure and mercy 400

75- Forgive the flawed and turn away from the ignorant 404

76- Endure torments 407

77- To be angry when god's orders are violated, to support the religion of Allah 408

78- Ordering the authorities to be soft on those under their administration and to show them love and compassion; avoid deceiving them, being harsh, ignoring their troubles 411

79- Being fair 414

80- It is forbidden to obey the non-sinful orders of the rulers, to obey when they command the sinful 416

81- Not wanting to be a statesman unless or needing to, preferring not to be a superior 421

82- To encourage the president, the woman and other government officials to obtain righteous helpers, to refrain them from obtaining bad relatives and listening to such things 423

83- Not to bring anyone who wants these positions and has ambitions against them in statesmanship, women and similar duties 424

84- Morality with dignity and virtue 425

85- 881, where it is forbidden to wear bells around the necks of camels and other animals and to carry dogs and bells during the journey

86- 882 where riding a filth-eating camel is a blessing

87- 882 where spitting in the mosque is prohibited

88- It is forbidden to argue in the mosque, to speak loudly, to treat lost goods research like shopping.... 883

89- 885, where it is forbidden to enter the mosque without necessity before passing the smells when eating fragrant things

90- It is forbidden to sit while listening to the sermon, sewing up the knees and holding them with their hands 886

91- In the first ten days of Zilhicce, it is forbidden to cut the hair and nails of the victim until the victim is cut 887

92- It is forbidden to swear in the name of an entity such as Prophet, Ka'be, Angel, Sky, Life, Spirit, Ancestors 887

93- Deliberate perjury is a great sin 889

94- Redemption of swearing 891

95- Unintentional oath forgiven, no redemption required for him 892

96- Even if it is true, it is forbidden to swear during shopping - 893

97- It is forbidden to ask for anything other than heaven for the sake of Allah and to turn away those who want something earthly in the name of Allah 893

98- Calling the head of state "shehinshah" is 894

99- It is forbidden to address fascists and bid'atists with titles expressing respect 895

100- Cursing diseases is a blessing 895

101- Cursing the wind is a blessing, what to say when the wind blows 896

102- 897 where cursing the rooster is a blessing

103- Banning saying that rain is due to stars 897

104- It is forbidden to call a Muslim a "heretic" 898

105- 899, where words and ugly speech are forbidden

106- 899, where it is forbidden to speak with a scathing mouth to show that you speak beautifully, to use words that they do not hear when talking to the public.

107- "My soul is filthy" is a blessing 900

108- Age 901, where it is forbidden to call grapes "kerm"

109- Unless there is a legitimate purpose to marry a woman

not praising in front of a man 902

110- Making a final wish during prayer 902

111- "God willing..." so mekruhtur 903

112- 903, where it is forbidden to speak after the prayer of the yacht

113- It is forbidden for a woman to refuse to invite her husband to bed unless he has a legitimate excuse 904

114- When her husband is with her, it is forbidden for the woman to fast in vain without her permission 905

115- It is forbidden for the congregation to raise its head before bowing or prostrating 905

116- Putting the hand in prayer is a blessing 906

117- It is possible to pray next to the meal when you want to eat or when there is a shortage of ablutions 906

118- It is forbidden to look at the weather while in prayer 906

119- Turning the head to the right - left while in prayer is mekruhtur 907

120- It is forbidden to pray towards cemeteries 907

121- It is forbidden to pass the one who prays 908

122- After Kamet, it is forbidden to disobey the insinuation and start praying for circumcision or futile 908

123- To devote the day of The Lone Republic to the fast and the night of the Republic to prayer 909

124- It is forbidden to fast for two or more days without incriminating 910

125- It is forbidden to sit on the tomb 911

126- It is forbidden to plaster the tomb with lime and build a wall on it 911

127- It is a grave sin for the slave to escape from his master 911

128- It is forbidden to intercede and expropriate evil in punishments 912

129- It is forbidden to pollute the roads, shaded places and water edges of the people 914

130- It is forbidden to pour small water into stagnant water 914

131- It is forbidden for my father to prefer one of his sons to another in donating goods unless there is an excuse 915

132- It is forbidden for my woman to mourn for more than three days for someone who died 916

133- It is forbidden to broker, to meet the villagers who bring goods to the market outside the city, to buy their goods cheaply, to seduce someone else's client and sell him goods, to aspire to a woman whose brother of religion aspires to marry 917

134- It is forbidden to spend goods anywhere other than God permits 920

135- Serious, jokingly pointing guns and similar things at Muslims, scaring is forbidden 921

136- It is forbidden to leave the mosque after the prayer is recited without performing the obligatory prayer 922

137- Unapologeticly rejecting the odor offered 922

138- Praise to the face of anyone who is afraid to brag; it is permissible to praise anyone who is trusted 923

139- It is forbidden to enter the place where there is an epidemic and to escape from it 925

140- Witchcraft is a heavy haram 928

141- It is forbidden to travel with the Qur'an when the enemy is worried about falling into his hands 929

142- It is forbidden to use gold and silver pots 929

143- It is forbidden for a man to wear a dress painted with victory 931

144- It is forbidden to spend an entire day silent until night 931

145- It is forbidden for my people to claim adoption to anyone other than their father 932

146- To refrain from doing what God and His Messenger forbid 934

147- What to do and say by anyone who does something forbidden 935

148- Hadiths on various subjects 936

371 -Stability 981

372-Cenab-ı Hakk's blessings for believers in heaven 987

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