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Sahih-i Buhari Muhtasar-1509

: 9786054492145
1,050.00 TL
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A Valuable Book Composed of Hadiths Selected from Sahih-i Bukhari

Sahih-i Buhari


Istanbul 2014



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Imam Buhârî was born on Friday in hijri 194 and died on Saturday night, the eve of ramadan in Hijri 256. It is said that he said, "I removed Sahih from six hundred thousand hadiths in 16 years. For every hadith I put in my book, I took gusul abdesti and prayed for two recitations." Imam Buhari's virtues are too numerous to count. One of them is that he started memorizing hadiths when he was twelve years old. He took hadiths from many teachers. He said: "I have received hadiths from 1,800 people, among them only hadith teachers. They were all saying, 'Faith; it consists of words and deeds, increases and is diminished." Nearly 100,000 people have told the story. When he was younger, he knew 70,000 hadiths by heart in serd style. He memorized a book at a glance. During Ramadan, he would recite a third of the Qur'an after the prayers. His prayer was acceptable. His work es-Sahih is the most robust of the books containing circumcision.


  1. Firebrî (? - 320 h.) : Abu Abdullah Mohammed Ibn Yusuf Ibn Matar Ibn Sâlih Ibn Bishr al-Firebrî, a trusted scholar and muhaddis, quoted abu Abdullah al-Buhârî as e-Câmiu's-sahîh. He heard this book from her twice in Firebir. He was a trustworthy man. Many of them have told the story. Among them; Abu Ali Ibn es-Seken, Kşmîhenî, Kasânî, Cürcanî are located. He died in H.320, nearing the age of ninety. May God bless you.
  2. Abu Talha al-Pezdevî (? - 329 h.): Mansûr Ibn Mohammed Ibn Ali Ibn Qurayne Ibn Seviyye al-Pezdevî en-Nesefî. Ibn Mâkûlâ said that he was a trustworthy man and said of him: "He is the last person to transfer al-Câmiu's-sahîh from Buhârî. He died in 329."
  3. Hafiz Onurüddin al-Yûnînî (621-701 h.): Onurüddin Abu'l-Hussein Ali Ibn Ahmed Ibn Abdullah al-Yûnînî, al-Ba'lebekkî, al-Hanbelî. As Hafiz Zehebî stated in his thesiskiretü'l-Huffâz, memory and martyrdom were hadith scholars. Zebîdî, Iblî, Zekî al-Münzirî, Rashid al-Attâr, Ibn Abdisselam and other scholars

he listened to the hadith. In his work ed-Dürerü'I-kamine, Hâfiz Ibn Hadjar said: "He took care of the incident and his weakness. He read to Ibn Mâlik by correcting Buhârî, and Ibn Mâlik listened to it through the narrative. He has written a lot of useful information to Ibn Mâlik. He knew the language very well, he memorized most of the texts, he knew the bonds. He was a leading scholar in his own region. People used to come to visit him for knowledge. He went to Dimashk several times and told the hadith there. Sahih-i Buhârî has been mentioned several times."

al-Yûnînî: It means the person who belongs to the city called "Yunîn" from the cities of Ba'lebek.
Master Ahmed Şâkir rahmetullâhi said against him: The copy of Yûnîniyye is the most reliable copy of Sahih-i Buhârî. The great scholar Kastallânî, who died in 923, based this copy on the text of the book, literally, word for word, in determining its investigations and movements. This is the greatest privilege of Kastallânî's evil called Irsâdu's-sarî. This is a famous evil among the people of knowledge.
Hafiz Abu'l-Huseyn Onurüddîn al-Yunînî Sahih-i Buhârî1 was very interested in him, he was busy comparing his weakness, his tashihi and the true originals that Hâfiz told. So much so that Hafiz Shamsuddin ez-Zehebî reported that he had compared Sahih to the originals eleven times in a year.
Hâfiz al-Yûnîni held sessions in Dimashk where Ibn Mâlik and a group of meritors were present to pass on Sahîh-i Buhârî to others. These people gathered reliable originals from him, and Yunînî read Sahîh-i Buhârî1 by comparing and correcting them in seventy-one sessions. Yûnînî was a scholar who read and explained in these sessions. Even if the age of the listener was older than the teacher, this was the custom of the scholars of the predecessor in receiving hadiths from teachers who were reliable in terms of rumor and listening. He was a student of Ibn Mâlik and benefited from the arabic words in the book. According to the strongest opinion, these sessions were held in h. 668.
Hâfiz Yûnînî declared the reliable originals that he and his followers compared Sahîh-i Buhârî, Kastallânî conveyed this in his evil, and the musahhihs of the Sultâniye edition conveyed this from him. This copy is the main source on which Hafiz Abu Zer, Hafiz al-Asîlî and Hafiz Abu'l-Qasim ed-Dimashkî are based.

  1. Hammâd Ibn Shakir (? - 311 h.) : Abu Mohammed en-Nesefî. He is a trusted muhaddis and imam. He is nicknamed Ibn Level. He made transfers from Jesus Ibn Ahmed al-Askalânî, Mohammed Ibn Ismâil al-Buhârî, Abu Isa et-Tirmizî and a group of hadith scholars. Sahih-i Buhârî is one of his guardians. Many people have made transfers from him.
  2. al-Cürcânî (?): Ali Ibn Ahmed Ibn Abzülaziz al-Cürcânî. He is nicknamed al-Muhtesib. He quoted Sahîh from Firebrî. He listened to hadiths from Omer Ibn Buceyr and a group of hadith scholars, and the scholars such as Hakim and so on told hadiths from him.
  3. Mehâmilî (230-335 h.) : Abu Abdullah Huseyn Ibn Ismail Ibn Ismail Ibn Saîd Ibn Eban ed-Dabbî al-Mehâmil, a woman, Imam, trusted muhaddis. He was the musannifi of es-Sunert and listened to hadiths from many people, including Mohammed Ibn Ismail al-Buhârî, and many hadith scholars such as Taberânt, Dârekutnt, Ibn Shehin, etc. also conveyed hadiths from him.
  4. Kerîme: (? - 463 h.) : Hadith scholar is a lady of value and virtue um'l-kirâm Kerîme bt. Ahmed Ibn Mohammed Ibn Hâtem al-Merveziy. He lived in Mecca as a mujahideer in the harem of Allah. He listened to Sahîh-i Buhâri from Zahir Ibn Ahmed es-Serahsî and Ibn Bâbeveyh al-Lsbahânî many times. H. died in 463.
  5. Abu Zer al-Herevî (355 h. - ?): Abu Zer Abd Ibn Ahmed Ibn Mohammed Ibn Abdullah Ibn Gufeyr Ibn Mohammed al-Ensârî al-Horasânî al-Herevî al-Mâî. Hafiz is an imam and harem-i sharif scholar. Sahih1i was told of three people: Mustemlî, Hamevî, Kşmihenî. He said he was born in 355.
  6. al-Musaghfirî (? - 432 h.): Abu'l-Abbas Jafar Ibn Mohammed Ibn al-Mu'tez Ibn Mohammed Ibn al-Musağfir Ibn al-Feth en-Nesefî, who is the muhaddis of The Prophet and allâme. He is known to be the author of many works such as Ma'rifetu's-sahâbe, Târihu Nesef, ed-Deavât, al-Menâmât, Delâilü'n-rıbüvve, Fedâilu'l-Quran, ash-Shamâil. He was born after 350 h. and died in 432 h.
  7. al-Muslim (?): Muhaddis is an imam and a reliable scholar who has traveled long journeys to learn hadiths and hadiths. Abu Isaac Ibrahim Ibn Ahmed Ibn Ibrahim Ibn Ahmed Ibn Dâvud al-Belhî al-Mustemlî is known as Mustemlî. He listened to Sahih in 314 and transferred him from Firebrî.
  8. al-Küşmîhenî (? - 389 h.): Abu'l-Heysem, Mohammed Ibn Mekkî Ibn Mohammed Ibn Mekkî Ibn Zerrâ' Ibn Hârûn al-Mervezî al-Küşmîhenî. Sahih-i Buhâri1 was transferred several times by Abu Abdullah al-Firebrî and others, and abu Zer al-Herevî and others transferred him. He was a very reliable scholar.
  9. al-Ismâilî ( 277 h. - ?) : Sheikhülislâm Abu Bakr Ahmed Ibn Ibrahim Ibn Ismail Ibn al-Abbas al-Jarcânî al-Ismâilî ash-Shafii, who is imam, prophet, huccet and fakih. Sahih was the author of the work and one of the imams of the Shafii.
  10. Dâvûdî ( 374 - 467 h.) : Imam, allâme, takva holder, Abu'l-Huseyn Abdurrahman Ibn Mohammed Ibn al-Mu- zaffer ed-Dâvûdî al-Bosniak, Sahih and Abd Ibn Khomeini's Musned and his interpretation, Dârimî's Musned Abu Mohammed al-Hammûye es-Serahsî He's the only one in the world who's reached this point. In Baghdad, Abu Hamid read a fiqh from Abu Bakr al-Kaffâl, Abu't- Tayyib es-Sa'lûkî. He cared deeply about Vera1. They have a lot of advantages. May God have mercy on him.


  1. Ibn Hammûye ( 293- 381 h.) : Abu Mohammed Abdullah Ibn Ahmed Ibn Hammûye, a reliable hadith scholar to be trusted, was the orator of serahs city. Abu Zer al-Herevî, Dâvûdî and similar people have told hadiths from him.
  2. Ibrahim Ibn Ma'kıl en-Nasefî ( ? - 295 h.): The imam, nicknamed Ibn'l-Hajjac, is Abu Isaac en-Nesefî, who is the prophet, the fakîh and the woman. She was the woman of the city of Nesef and listened to hadiths from Kuteybe Ibn Saîd, Cebbâre Ibn Mugallas, Hishâm Ibn Ammâr and other scholars from that layer. He's made a lot of trips. Abu Ya'lâ al-Halîlî said: "He is trustworthy, he is a memory." Sahih-i Buhârî was transferred from him as well. The disciple is a fascist.
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