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Translation of Riyazus Salihin and Meaning of Words (5 Volumes) -1495

: 9786055719623
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Riyazus Salihin Translation and Word Meaning (5 Volumes)

Translation of Riyazus Salihin and Meaning of Words (5 Volumes)

  • Translator: Ali Kaya
  • Release Date: 01.2010
  • ISBN: 9786055719623
  • Number of Prints: Print
  • Language: ENGLISH
  • Skin Type: Hardcover
  • Paper Type: Shamuha Paper
  • Size: 17 x 24 cm
  • Number of Pages: 3068
  • Provision Time: 3

Let us define our lives in a manner worthy of a conscious Muslim, and beautify our morality in the way that the Messenger of God and Sellem live and teach against the sallallâhu!
The virtue of performing the prayer with the congregation and on the first side, the importance of continuing the prayers,
The virtue of circumcision prayers; circumcision of morning, noon, afternoon, evening bed and Friday prayers; vitir prayer, bird prayer, tahiyyetu'l-masjid, ablution prayer, virtue of night prayer, prayer of prayer, remembrance of the night of Almighty, use of musk, alms and virtue, Ramadan fast, generosity in Ramadan, the virtue of prayer in iftar, prayer to be performed when the crescent is observed, Fasting on Monday and Thursday, fasting for three days every month, Hajj and virtue, Hajj The virtues of worship in a time of persecution and confusion, the virtue of learning knowledge and teaching, the virtue of bringing the Messenger of God, and some varieties, the virtue of remembrance and remembrance, in any case remembrance of God, the virtue of remembrance prayer, and some of the prayers of the Prophet, the blessing and virtue of the Holy Father, that it is forbidden to listen to disbelief and disbelief, and hell;
To learn from a solid source what is recommended to us Muslims by our Beloved Prophet in all these matters and to obtain guidance for our lives;
Bride RİY and Acirc; ZU'S-S and Acirc; Let's read THE BOOK!

Provision Period:3

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