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Ihya-u Ulumi'd-Din (4 Volumes - Medium Size)

Product Code : T25574
: 4897654300136
2,490.00 TL
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It is a valuable resource work that will answer all the human and individual troubles of life.

Ihya-u Ulumi'd-Din (4 Volumes - Medium Size)

Product Specifications :

  • Color : Green
  • Internal Printing Feature : 1.Dough special green printing
  • Skin Shape : Hard Cover - Gilded Cover
  • New Edition - Simplified by: Abdullah Aydin
  • Weight : 7.8 kg


Imam-i Ghazali is a great Islamic contemplator exclusive to nev'i in human history. His most important work is undoubtedly IHYÂ-U ULÛMİ'D-DÎN. Because in the history of Islam, no such work has been written in this subject, neither in the song nor in the garb. His Holiness has attempted to renew in two ways:
A. To promote philosophy,
B. To present the science of words in a new style.
The second façade of The Prophet is represented by the work "IHYA". Because 'IHYA' is one of the islamic sources that deeply affects the lives of Muslims. Scholars and scholars praise him widely. For example, if you want to use Hadith memory imam Zeyneddin Ebul-Fazl al-Irakî [806 Milad.] He says of "IHYA": "He is one of the great books of Islam."
Sheikh Abdul-Gafir Al-Farisî, the disciple of Ghazali's successor and Imam Haremeyn, says: "IHYA is one of gazâli's unique works." Sheikh Abu-Mohammed al-Kazerûnî says: "If all the knowledge was destroyed, they could all come out of the IHYA." Imam Nevevî liked "IHYA" very much and admired him very much. Even assuming that these and similar words are exaspiant, they still at least imply that the people remain influenced by this book. It's also proof that scholars are discussing it.
The great scholar of the 12th century, Hüccetü'l-Islam, i.e. Imam Ghazali (rah.), who has written the evidence of Islam, is a great scholar who has a voice in almost every field of science that leaves deep traces not only during his lifetime, but also in every century. Among these valuable works is a book that has been deeply respected and accepted in the Islamic world since the day it was written, in the subjects of fiqh, morality and sufis. This work, titled Ihyâu Ulûmi'd-Dîn, is a unique guide that combines the life of the world and religious life today as well as salve to the wounds of the period in which it was written. Translated by Abdullah Aydin, the immortal work stands out both in terms of translation language and design. 4 Volumes with Secrets of Prayer, Secrets of Fasting, Secrets of Hajj and Quran Reading Decency sections, Ayfa Press publications
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