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Principles of Faith with Evidence - İdris Tuzun

Product Code : T28787
: 9786058681989
115.00 TL
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Principles of Faith with Evidence - İdris Tuzun

Principles of Faith with Evidence - İdris Tuzun

Product features :

Publisher : Süeda
Author : Idris Tuzun
Cover Quality: Cardboard Cover
Page Quality : Imported Paper
Number of Pages: 168
Language Turkish
Size : 13.5 X 19.5 cm
Weight : 150 g
Barcode: 9786058681989

Faith forms the basis of the religion of Islam. Therefore, another name of the science of Kalam, which focuses on the principles of belief, is "Usûlud-Din", which means "the origins, roots and foundations of religion".
Plants feed on their roots. If the root of the plant is strong, the other elements of the plant are also sound, otherwise the other elements are not sound. If the root does not get enough food from the soil, that plant withers and dies.
Beliefs also serve as a root in human life.
It is built on a person's personality, character and beliefs. If the belief is sound, the human personality and character are also sound. If the belief is not solid, the personality and character of that person will not be strong either.
People with strong faith are resilient to difficulties. They overcome many difficulties. The will of those whose faith is weak is very weak. They cannot withstand difficulties, they are quickly defeated.
While it is not possible to demolish people with strong faith, it is very easy to destroy people with strong faith.
Our Prophet (saas) and his Companions are the best examples of people with strong beliefs in history.
1400 years ago, our Prophet (saas) introduced a revolution that has never been seen in any period of history and that no human being has been able to realize, even though the conditions were completely against him.
done at one time. He completely abolished the Age of Ignorance and created a brand new society (ummah), shaped according to the Qur'an and Sunnah, and an example for the entire human world.
Thanks to our Prophet (saas), people who worshiped idols prayed at night and fasted during the day; People who killed their children without mercy have become too compassionate to even set foot on an ant. Moreover, with the education they received from our Prophet (saas), when they were ignorant, illiterate and ignorant before, they became people who taught science to the entire world of humanity, and taught civilized nations about the true civilization.
The basis of these beautiful traits of them was their strong and powerful faith. Their faith was above all else.
Ummah-i Muhammad, who took the example of the Companions, followed in their footsteps. With their strong faith, they, over the centuries, overcame their enemies, made Islam dominate a large part of the world, and established the world's greatest cultures and civilizations.
But in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the ummah suffered a great defeat against the West. Western philosophies such as materialism, positivism, communism and evolution entered the Islamic world. These philosophies destroyed the faith of the Ummah. Many lost their faith and became adherents of these philosophies. Many fell into doubts and delusions. Islamic life in society has decreased, morality has deteriorated. The destruction of faith was the beginning of other calamities. There was no unity in the society, divisions and struggles began among people. It was exposed to many political, social and economic problems.
When we look at the Islamic world, we see these problems everywhere.
In order to get rid of the calamities we are in, a new move of faith is needed. Because faith contains a potential enormous power. That's why Master Bediuzzaman says, "A man who has true faith can challenge the universe." This potential power has properties that can solve all our problems.
If we can strengthen the faith of the society, we can achieve states similar to the bright times of the past. We can revitalize the ummah and build a new society that is an example to the world of humanity.
Today, the whole world, which has lost its peace and happiness, longs for such a society.
The book in your hand is a modest work prepared to contribute to the above desires. The book was prepared by making use of the Qur'an and the Sunnah, the books of previous scholars, and especially the treatises of Master Bediuzzaman. The subjects were supported by rational and scientific evidence.
While preparing the book, those who have just learned about faith, especially young people, were taken into consideration. Efforts were made to keep the language simple and understandable. The topics have been kept as short as possible so that they are not boring. (For those who want to learn the subjects in more detail, another book is currently in preparation.)
In the book, some theological issues that were emphasized by the previous scholars of kalam, but which are of no use today, were not included.
We hope from Allah Almighty that our book will be useful to our readers.
Effort is from us, Tawfiq is from Allah.


Preface 11
First Part 15
1. Ahl as-Sunnah - Salaf-i Sâlihîn 15
The Emergence of Sects 16
What is Ahl as-Sunnah? 17
Hadiths Pointing to Ahl as-Sunnah 18
2. Bidat and Ahl-i Bid 19
What is Bidat? 19
Types of Bidatin 20
21 for Ahl al-Bid
second part
Science of Kalam 23
1. The Hadith of Jibril 23
2. Description of the Science of Kalam 25
3. The Purpose and Benefits of the Science of Kalam 25
4. Historical Course of the Science of Kalam 26
5. Modern Times and the Science of Kalam 26Part Three
Faith and Faith-Related Matters 29
1. Description and Scope of Faith 29
2. The Increase and Decrease of Faith 29
3. Imitated Faith and Confirmed Faith 30
4. Levels of Faith 31
5. Relationship Between Faith and Deed 31
6. The Concept of Great Sin 32
6.1. The Concept of Great Sin 32
6.2. The Great Sin 33
6.3. The Concept of Great Sin 33
7. For Every Sin There is a Path to Unbelief 34
8. There is Taste in Faith, Pain in Unbelief 35
Part Four Fundamentals of Faith
First Introduction 43
Questions and Answers That Engage Every Human Mind 43
Second Introduction 45
Every Cemal and Kemal Owner Wants to See and Show Their Own Cemal and Kemal 45
First Principle: Belief in Allah.
I. The Existence of Allah 47
1. The Importance of Proving the Existence of Allah 47
2. Evidence of Proof 48
3. Ways to Prove the Existence of Allah 49
3.1. Evidence of Hudûs 49
3.2.Ordinance and Purpose Evidence 50
II. Some Evidences of Allah's Existence 52
1. Pharmacy Example 52
2nd World Factory 52
3. Army of the Living 53
4.Food Warehouse 54
5.Electric Lamps and Stars 55
III.Attributes of Allah 56
A. Personal Adjectives 56
a. Tanzihi (Selbi) Adjectives 56
1.Body 56
2. Seniority 57
3. Beka 58
4.Vahdaniyet 58
5. Opposition Li'l-Hadis 59
6. Qiyaam bi-Nefsihi 59
b.Subjective Adjectives 60
1. Science 60
2. Will 61
3. Power 62
4-5. Sem' ve Basar (Hearing and Sight) 63
6. Kalam 64
7.Life 65
8. Genesis 66
B. Verbal Adjectives 66
IV.The Beautiful Names of Allah (Asma-i Hüsna) 67
1. Allah 68
2. Ism-i A'zam 68
3.Jalali and Cemali Names 69
Second Principle: Belief in Prophets 71
Part One: Prophetic Truth 71
1. Prophethood 71
2. The Number of Prophets and Their Names in the Qur'an
Prophets 72
3. Proof of Prophethood and Necessity of Prophethood 73
4. What is Revelation? 77
5. What is Miracle? 78
6. The End Feature of the Prophets 80
7. Choosing The Prophets From Humans 80
8. Attributes of Prophets 81
9. Degrees of Prophets and the Great 1-Azm Prophets 82
10.Hz. Muhammad (saas) is the Greatest of Prophets 83
Part Two: Risale-i Muhammediye (pbuh) 85
A. The Direction of Prophethood of Our Prophet (saas) 85
B. Evidence of Our Prophet's (saas) Prophethood 86
1. The Personality of Our Prophet (saas) 87
2nd Age of Bliss 87
3.Quran 88
4. Sharia 88
5. Scholars and Awliyas 89
6. Previous Prophets 89
7. Scriptures 90
8. Miracles of Our Prophet (saas) 90
Third Principle: Faith in the Books 93
A. Suhuf 93
B.Books 94
1. Torah 94
2. Psalm 95
3. Bible 95
4.Quran 98
The Qur'an Arrived Undistorted Until Today
The Qur'an is a Miracle 100
The Fourth Principle: Belief in Angels 105
1. What is an Angel? 105
2. The Reason of Creation of Angels 107
3. Proof of the Existence of Angels 108
4. Humans and Angels 109
5. Parts of the Angels 110
5-1. The Four Archangels 110
5.2. Mudebbirât Angels 111
5.3. Angels Assigned to Humans 112
5.4.An Angel Commissioned to Shape Human 113
5.5.Kiramen Clerk 113
5.6. Angels of Memory 114
5.7.Münker and Nekir 114
5.8. Angels of Heaven 115
5.9. Hell's Angels 115
6. Are Angels or Humans Superior? 115
7. Jinn and Demons 116
7.1. Jinns 116
7.2.Demons 116
7.3.Iblis-Satan 117
7.4. The Reason of Creation of Demons 118
Fifth Principle: Belief in the Hereafter 123
A. Signs of Doomsday 123
a. Minor Signs of the Doomsday 124
b. Great Signs of the Doomsday 124
B. Life in the Grave 126
C. Proof of Resurrection After Death 127
D. Benefits of Belief in the Hereafter 132
E. Resurrection and the Hereafter 134
1. Resurrection 134
2. Hashir and Judgment 135
3. The Horror of the Place of Judgment 136
4. Records of Deeds 137
5. Account 137
6. Trial Balance 138
7. Intercession 139
8.Havz-ı Kevser 140
9. Row 140
10. People of Interregnum 141
11. A'raf 142
12. Heaven 143
13. Hell 145
Sixth Principle: Belief in Destiny 147
1. Recipes of Destiny and Win 147
2. Evidences of Destiny and Win 148
a. Transplanting Evidence Regarding Fate 148
b. Intelligent Evidence Regarding Destiny 149
3. Fate and Will4 Juz'iyye 150
a. Man Has a Will 151
b. Human Actions Are Created by Allah 154
c. It is not evil to create evil, but it is evil to cut it off 155
4. Destiny and Death 157
5. Trust and Destiny 158
6. Good deeds are attributed to Allah, Evils are attributed to the soul 161
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