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Spearhead Catechism Treatises and Translations - Yasin Publishing House

Product Code : T27944
: 9786053460510
489.00 TL
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Spearhead Catechism Treatises and Translations - Yasin Publishing House

Spearhead Catechism Treatises and Translations - Yasin Publishing House

Product features :

Publisher : Yasin Publishing House
Prepared by M. İsmail Fındıklı
Cover Quality : Hardcover
Page Quality : Shamua
Number of Pages: 281
Language : Arabic - Turkish
Size : 17 X 24 cm
Weight : 842 g
Barcode: 9786053460510


Our ancestors have been close to Arabic, especially since it is the language of the Qur'an, from the very first years of their acceptance of Islam.
Arabic and Persian, which the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) had foretold as the language of paradise, had almost become Turkish by incorporating into Ottoman Turkish.
At present, this language is forgotten. To make this forgotten great language as common as before and to have this legacy from our grandfathers.
This language must be learned and known by everyone. Knowing the Ottoman language, which is an imperial language, and keeping it alive, entered Turkish and
The use of Turkish words of Arabic and Persian origin depends on keeping them and knowing their characteristics. What we ask of you is to take care of this great language and
is to keep this language alive by discarding the foreign words we use even in our daily conversations.


Rule of Faith 9
Parts of Faith 10
Conditions of Faith 11
The Conditions of Islam 12
Fards of Prayer 13
A-Except 13
B-Conditions in 14
Fards of Ablution 15
Fards of Ghusl 16
Fards of Tayammum 16
Fards of Fasting 17
Fards of Hajj 18
Attributes of Allahu Teala 19
Personal Attributes 19
Subuti Adjectives 20
Relative Adjectives
Prophets whose names are mentioned in the Qur'an 22
Our Sect in Faith and Practice 23
The Meaning of Saying "La Ilahe Illallah Muhammadun Rasulullah" 23
Ruling on Flarekats in Prayer 23
Fards of Fasting 26
Things that invalidate the fast 26
Intention in Fasting 27
Types of Fasting 28
Feast of Fasting- 28
Feast of the Believers 29
Seven Questions on the Sirat Bridge 29
Who Needs Atonement? 29
Who Doesn't Need Atonement? 30
Yevm-i Shekta (Doubtful Day) Intention 30
Various Issues Related to Fasting 33
Types of Fasting 33
Benefits of Fasting 35
FARZLARI of Ghusl 35
Types of Ghusl 36
Harams of Ghusl 36
Sunnahs of Ghusl 37
Fards of Tayammum 38
Things That Make Tayammum Permissible 38
Conditions of Tayammum 39
Sunnahs of Tayammum 39
Conditions of Searching for Water 39
Various Issues Regarding Tayammum 40
Sunnahs of Istinja 43
The Mustahab of İstinca 43
Types of Waters 44
Is Mâ-i Müsta'mel Falling to the Ground or Leaving the Body? 45
Conditions for Wudu to be Vajib 45
Sunnahs of Ablution 46
The Mustahabs of Wudu 47
The Makruhs of Ablution 47
Things That Break Wudu 48
Conditions for Accepting the Prayer to the Rank of Kamal 54
Things that are Important to Follow in Prayer 54
Wajibs of Prayer 55
Sunnahs of Prayer 57
Mustahabs of Prayer 59
Adabs of Prayer 61
Makruhs of Prayer 61
Things That Disrupt Prayer 65
Those who do not break the prayer 68
The Meaning and Virtue of Salat 69
Prayer with the Congregation 70
The Virtue of Performing the Prayer on Time 71
The Harms of Not Performing the Prayer 71
Types of Followers of the Imam 73
The Harm of Leaving Ta'dil Erkan in Prayer 74
The Reward of Standing Behind the Imam 75
The Virtue of Taking the Iftitah Takbir with the Imam 76
Quantity of Angels 77
Compensation for Things Done in Prayer 78
Key to Heaven 79
Qualification of Heaven 79
Friday Prayer and Conditions 82
Vajibs of Friday Prayer 83
Mustahabs of Friday Prayer 83
Makruhs of Friday Prayer 84
Takbirs of the Eid Prayer 84
Causes of Poverty- 84
Fifty-Four Farz 86
Conditions of Islam 89
People for whom zakat is not permissible 89
People for whom Zakat is Permissible 90
Conditions for Zakat to Be Obligatory 90
victim 91
Types of Tawaf 91
ihram 92
Conditions for Hajj to Be Obligatory 92
Funeral Prayer 92
Types of Shroud 92
Those Who Adopt Imamate at the Funeral Prayer 92
Various Issues Related to Hajj 93
Signs of Ahl as-Sunnah 94
The Virtue of the Four Caliphs 94
The Harms of Not Saying Basmala Before Meal 99
Benefits of Saying Basmala Before Meal 100
Our Madhhab in Faith and Action 109
The Reason for the Persistence of Faith 109
Reasons for Going Without Faith 110
Words of faith, Islam, religion, nation and shariah and parts of faith 112
Difference Between Faith and Deed 113
Types of Faith 114
Rule of Faith 114
What Do They Call Faith, Islam and Ihsan? 116
Enemy of Faith 117
The Meaning of Saying “La ilaha illallah Muhammadun Rasulullah” 117
The names of the word-i Tawhid 117
Dhikr 117
The Benefit of Dhikr 119
The Meaning of Saying 'Eşhedü Enne Muhammeden Abdühu Ve Rasululuh' 119
Sons, Daughters and Wives of the Messenger of Allah 119
Edille-i Şer'iyye 120
Religion, Nation, Sharia 120
Our Madhhab and Madhhab Imams 120
Four Gems Given by Allahu Azîmusşân to His Adam's Sons 121
Condition and Reason for Acceptance of Deed 121
Attributes Belonging to the Messenger of Allah 122
Silsile-i Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) 124
Detailed faith 124
Benefits of Using Miswak 125
Benefits of Washing Hands Before Eating
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