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Full Ilmihal Se'mendet-i Eternity-1969

: 9789758883196
299.00 TL
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It is the Most Comprehensive Among Islamic Theology Books

Full Science-Se'mendet-i Eternity

1248 pages. 17x24 cm

On the second page, Ahmed Mekkî Efendi, the mufti of Kadıköy in Istanbul, the precious son of the great Islamic scholar Sayyid Abdulhakîm-i Arvâsî, explained the value and importance of his book with his short and vecîz words and said, "From the stories of our century, I looked at the Se'âdet-i Eternal book written by a genius of our city. In this book, I found the knowledge of words, words and words of prayer. I've seen that all of this is collected from the kits of those who have received their information from the source of the nuptials. There is no knowledge, no promise in this book that is not in accordance with the covenance of The Sunnah velcemâ'at." In this nâdî, which is mentioned in a more than a thousand works, the work has come in three parts:
This Book is a Book of Science. You can reach this work from fiqh and ilmihal Books Category.
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