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Notify me when its in stockIt Is a Book That Subjects Fiqh Knowledge in Four Sects
Number of Prints 1. Print
Language TURKISH
Pages 596
Skin Type Cardboard Cover
Paper Type Book Paper
Size 16.5 x 23.5 cm
They say, "Know that I have been given the Book of The Qur'an and the Qur'an, as well as the Qur'an. And know that before long, a manwith a full stomach sits on his arm' s arm: "Try to be bound bythe Qur'an. (Don't believe anyone but him) What you see in it as halal is lawful, and what you see as forbidden is forbidden." Islamic Fiqh by Four Sects
The Qur'an was given to the Lord as well as the revelation hadiths that were not recited. God said.c of Him, "He does not speak of himself. His speech is only with a reported revelation." "When God and Peygam judge a matter, no believer has the right to choose it according to their own desires or desires. Whoever defies God and His Messenger is clearly in error."
Take what the Messenger has given you, and beware of what He has forbidden you."
"... Who does not consider what God and His Messenger have forbidden.
God has the authority to say that his Messenger is lawful or unlawful about something, as God has forbidden. God has given him this authority.c; Even if our people don't give it to us.
"... Follow me if you love God."
"Omit allegiance to God and His Messenger. If they turn away from Obedience to God and His Messenger, al-lah will not love the unbelievers."
And when it is said to them, "Come to the Qur'an that God has sent down, and to the Prophet," you see hypocrites walking away from you."
"Obey God and the Prophet."
"He obeyed God, who obeyed the Prophet."
"Whoever defies God and His Messenger, there is hell for him in which he will remain forever."
"They are subject to the Prophet Muhammad, who they find written in the Torah and the Bible. It is Muhammad who commands them to do good and forbids evil. He makes good things lawful for them, and forbids bad things."
"Whatever messenger We sent, We sent it only to be obeyed by The permission of Allah. If they had come to you when they wronged themselves, and wished forgiveness for their sins from Al-lah, and the Messenger of Allah had asked for their forgiveness, they would surely have found God forgiving and merciful."
"No, by your Lord, the work is not as they know it! They will not make you a judge in the dispute between them, and then they will not believe in what you have decreed, unless they submit with complete submission, without any distress in them."
Dear reader!
And Acirc; if you read their yet meals with caution, you will see that our Lord (pbuh) also has the authority of the lawful and unlawful. God willing:
Follow the prophets and follow them so that you may be free from error." He's in command.
In one of his hadiths, our Lord:
"Let those of you who are here communicate what they hear from me to those who do not find it here. Indeed, those of you who are here will be conveyed to a person who understands my word better than he does. May God bleach the face of those who have heard my word and taken what they heard to someone else." They said, "I'm not going to do this."
Disabling the Prophet and His hadiths is a tyrame, astray, atheism. God has not disabled his Prophet. Those who recitake the Qur'an will surely see that this is the case. Those who disable resources other than the Qur'an will more easily lay eggs about our great religion.
The External factions and the Rafizî factions clung to the prophet muhammad and abandoned the hadiths of the Prophet, which contained the declaration of the Qur'an. In this regard, they lost their way and went astray.
He says, "Those who disobedient with his command should beware of the coming of trouble or a painful punishment."
There are four main sources of our great religion:
2.Circumcision of our Prophet (p.a.v.) / hadith-i sharifs,
3.Icmâ-i Ummah,
4.Comparisons of fiqh scholars.
If one or more of them are disabling in denial, millions of religions will emerge. Only the destroyers of religion will agree to this. There is no greater evil than to say, "Learn your religion from this."
In a hadith-i-sharif of the Prophet Muhammad:
They say, "Whoever interprets the Qur'an with his own reeds will disbelief."
God bless the Qur'an:
They say, "We believe in some of them and deny some of them." So they want to find a way between faith and blasphemy. These are the true unbelievers. We have prepared a humiliating punishment for the unbelievers." he says, "I'm not going to do [Relative surah, verse: 150-151]
Some of today's so-called scholars are examples of this verse. They distinguish between God and His Messenger. They believe in what works for them, they don't believe in what doesn't work for them.
The ideas of law and the regulations made in the field of law are as old as the human history. Roman law, which is known to be the oldest in this field, is quite disorganized.
In general, legal studies covering a wide area in Islam under the name of fiqh, i.e. Islamic law, are interesting and excellent both in terms of material richness, regulation and adjustment to the ancients as well as regularity.
It is known that "Siyer-i Kebir" by Imam Mohammed, one of the scholars of hanefîmezhebi, was written in the third hijrî century. While this masterpiece, which regulates the law of peace and war between states, was created eleven centuries ago, it is known that the rules of overlording reigned around the world, let alone mentioned many law schools at that time.
This work, which was taken as a fortress during the development and enrichment periods of Islamic law, is one of the four most famous Islamic law schools; It is an excellent summary of the Dynasty, Maliki, Shafii and Hanbeli denominations.
It will be possible to see the provisions of these denominations collectively in all aspects of life starting from the subjects of worship.
However, this issue should be taken into account." One denomination is not learned from another denomination." In accordance with his word, the provisions of various denominations were discussed in this book and, unlike those expressed in this book, may have been included in his own sect.
Therefore, if our readers see an issue contrary to a denominational provision they know in this book, they should investigate it from the main sources of the relevant sect or learn the necessary explanations by asking for a zata who is an expert in the sect.
However, explanations about hanefîmezhebi are expressed in footnotes. But that's not enough.
Let us state once again that compared to the vast and rich resources of the Islamic law schools that have found fame, this booklet remains small enough to be debunked in terms of expressing all of the denominations together.
As a matter of fact, serahsî's thirty-volume Mebsut in Hanefî, the six-volume Imam Malik's Müdevvene in Malikî, the al-Umm of the eight-volume Imam Shafii in Shafii, the twelve volumes of Ibn-i Kudame's Al-Mugni in Hanbelî are the main manifestations of this material wealth.
In translation, we tried to both adhere to the author's statements and use a style that the reader would understand.
It is a fact that the fluency and pleasure in every work that emerges through translation never replaces the original.
The words and phrases used in parentt brackets in places are included in the parenter because there is no original equivalent of the book in order to provide a better understanding of the understood ideas.
If we have played a modest role in participating in islamic law studies by taking its own place in the culture of this work, which was written about six centuries ago, I would only praise Cenab-ı Hakk.
A deficiency in everything that has a human structure is inevitable. If our shortcomings are shown in a sincere way, I owe you a debt of gratitude in advance.
Footnotes show the sources that are used especially in the descriptions related to the recipes.
Abdest bet 29
Offering Section 210
Area-Selling Dispute and Destruction of Property Section 251
Shopping Section 224
The intelligence of gold and silver 148
The intelligence of the land crop 145
Ariyet bet 290
Sale of original and related detail 241
Donation (grant) 319
Eid prayer 113
Divorce Section 379
Found child bet 326
Prayer with the congregation 90
Funeral Division 122
Funeral Prayer 126
Ciale bet 327
Murders bet 440
Sizye bet 538
Friday prayers 104
Cases and evidence 561
Revolt against the head of state 479
Diet bet 449
The bet of justice and good behavior between spouses 374
Interest Division 236
Feraiz book 328
Hernia alms 153
Loot division 523
Extortion bet 292
Introduction 9
Gusul bet 33
Hajj Section 179
Making the pilgrimage 195
Penalties 476
Hades reasons baboon 23
Remit 273
Animal Slaughter and Hunting Department 218
The intelligence of animals 139
Hidane 438
Theft 494
Hul' baboon 376
I bet 392
Bet 423
Bankruptcy and Foreclosure Department 265
Defamation (excavating) 491
Exports and prohibitions 187
Penalty for issuance bans 192
Issar bet 203
Potion bet 282
Redemption of manslaughter 471
Converting to Islam (ridde) 476
Istiska prayer 120
Confession 174
Women's menstruation baboon 45
Kasame bet 467
Lost and found bet 323
Mention of issues related to accident (court) 547
Forbidden to marry himself 360
Rent bet 308
Prayer of fear 102
Freed slaves 581
Victim Section 205
Sulk prayer 119
Lian bet 398
The intelligence of the mines 151
Mehir bet 368
Mest's meshi baboon 41
Mikat locations 186
Mudarebe partnership bet 303
Murabaha bet 248
Musakat Section 306
Musarrat sale and return of goods due to defect 243
Mudebber slave 584
Mukateb slave 585
Alimony bet 432
Futile Prayer Department 86
Prayer Department 51
Conditions, conditions and conduct of prayer 58
Judgment of the Necasets 14
Wedding Section 349
Returning to the wedding due to reason of judgment and defect 366
Fasting Department 163
Prologue 5
Pawn Section 258
Ric's divorce 390
Processing of unclaimed soil 314
What was done against the assailant, the compensation for the destruction of the government official and the animal 515
Things that are permissible to sell and not sold 227
Things that spoil the sale and do not spoil it 233
Sehv (don't forget) prostration 79
Selem and loan bet 253
The judgement of the magic and magicist 473
Siyer bet 518
Department of Magistrates 270
Milk Absorption Section 430
Witness bet 570
Drinking wine 508
Company bet 276
Bet on Suff 299
Ta'zir bet 511
Taharet Section 11
Division 559
Collateral bet 274
Teyemmüm bet 36
Intelligence of trade goods 150
Tilavet prostration 83
Um veled concubine 587
Foundation 317
Will book 339
Vedia bet 287
Proxy bet 278
Prohibited sales 249
Oath Section 404
Halal and forbidden to eat 213
Road cut 504
Passenger's prayer 98
Zakat Section 134
Zakat 157
Bet 394
Adultery 481