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Shiratül Islam - Sayyid Alizade - Pamuk Publishing-1437

: 9789752940802
550.00 TL
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A Rare Book Out of the Pen by the Author Seyyid Alizade

Shiratul Islam

  • Book Title: Shiratül - Islam (Fiqh-001)
  • Author:Sayyid Alizade
  • Translation:Naim Erdogan
  • Publisher: Cotton Publishing
  • Number of Pages: 576
  • First Year of Printing: 2013
  • Language: Turkish

This book reveals that the great Religion of Islam has principles that we must follow in every circuit of our lives, even every breath.

Food, drinking, sleeping, working, getting married, everything is explained in Islamic dimensions.

The orders of The Prophet, the circumcision of the Messenger of God, the hadith and the beautiful movements of the Imams of Islam are introduced as guides.

I wish those who read this work to act as inventors of The Almighty.
(From The Foreword)

The Book of Shiratül Islam was compiled using the works of Islamic scholars on the Right Path.

It's a book that's pearly. The lines are worth writing in light. Hearts thirsty for deeds with what is in them fall for the water. The person who qualities his beauty, time runs out, and there are still things in him that he cannot attribute. In one sentence, it is a work that makes you say, "No elder, no Shiratul Islam?"

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